

Dr. Ricky Pope

Dr. Pope is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Restorative Practitioner, and Assistant Professor and Young Man of Color Faculty Scholar at San Diego State University. Dr. Pope received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Western Michigan University in 2018.  As a non-traditional and first-generation student, his studies began at San Diego Mesa College, where he benefited from TRIO Student Support Services. He was president of the BSU, a member of Phi Beta, and also worked as a peer ambassador. He transferred to San Diego State University (SDSU), where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a Master’s in Education from SDSU as he is a CBBer for life! He helps students deepen their understanding of the self and others, maximize potential, and increase motivation to persist toward degree completion.

All need a sense of somebodiness, a feeling of dignity, purpose, and meaning in this short life - Dr. Pope